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Forhandler af DAN FOG Luftbefugtning i Norge

Handelskompagniet salg og service AS

Sykkylvsvegen 125

6230 Sykkylven

Tlf. +47 908 73 530

Mail: Svein@handleskompaniet.no

Dealer of DAN FOG Humidification in Finland

AS Handelskompagniet engineering

Stillagaten 6

Fin- 67100 Karleby

Tlf. +358 40 500 42 37

Mail: tom.enroth@anvianet.fi


New owners
We are pleased to announce that as of 30.04.2024, Hydotec ApS has taken over all activities related to DANFOG
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Hydotec ApS

Industrivej 26
5750 Ringe

Phone: + 45 66 15 14 80

Mobile: +45 25 40 73 74

Mail: info@danfog.com

VAT No: 39437244